How do I determine if my LS6500 CRT terminal is dead?
Service AI
The LS6500 READY! Wyse Winterm module provided by ServiceAI will work as the perfect replacement for your failed Beckman Coulter LS6500 CRT terminal. However, before purchasing the replacement Wyse Winterm module, it’s in your best interest to make sure your terminal really does need to be replaced. Ask yourself the following questions:
Is my CRT terminal really dead?
What do you do if your existing terminal (CRT or Wyse module) has a blank screen?
You must first make sure that the terminal, rather than a faulty LS power supply inside the unit, is the problem.
The picture below displays a working LS6500 power supply box. If your power supply box is working, four LEDs (as labelled below) should be ON. After you check for a working power supply, you can move forward to the next step (explained further down below).
LS6500 Power Supply Box LED Status
After confirming your working power supply (as explained above), check the LED startup pattern on your LS Main Board. The right section of LEDs (the eight labeled below) should all be OFF on the LS Main Board after a successful instrument startup. In contrast to a successful startup, the image below displays an LED pattern of “00110001” on the eight LEDs of the LS Main Board. This pattern indicates a problem with your existing terminal (CRT or Wyse module), and occurs when the display remains blank (CRT terminals) or frozen on the startup screen (Wyse modules). The image shown below indicates that the installed terminal (CRT or Wyse module) is faulty and needs to be replaced.
LS6500 Main Board LED status indicating Terminal Test Failure
How do I get to the mother board inside the LS6500?
In order to get to see the LEDs mounted on motherboard and power supply module, loosen (not remove) the lower front screws on each side of the LS6500 as well as the two front screws that are visible when you lift the sample compartment lid up. There may also be two screws, either hex head or flat blade under the lip of the front panel that may need to be removed (in the majority of cases, these two screws will be absent as they are normally removed at the time of installation). After removing the front cover, power up the LS6500 and observe the LED lights on the motherboard and power supply. The LEDs on the motherboard will go through a startup cycle. If the main board detects any issues, it will halt the LED cycling process as per the explanation provided above.
Will the LS6500 READY! Wyse Winterm Module work for my instrument?
The LS6500 READY! Wyse Winterm module will work with Beckman Coulter LS instrument (LS6000 / LS6500) with serial numbers 7064XXXX or higher. Check your instrument to make sure it meets this basic requirement.
If you answered “yes” to both questions, it’s time to purchase a new module!
After the above troubleshooting exercise, if you determine that your Wyse Module is okay and that your LS power (black-box) supply is dead instead, you can either email us at, or call us at our technical support line at +1-510-899-1340 for more information. Alternatively, you can purchase this part online at our secure ecommerce website by clicking at the following link - Solution for your dead LS Power Supply.
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